The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Iowa has upgraded their Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) System to the Next Generation of CM/ECF (NextGen). NextGen allows you to maintain a single login and password for PACER access and e-file in all NextGen federal courts in which you have permission to e-file.
Additional information regarding NextGen can be found at
CM/ECF: Attorneys (who are not admitted to practive in the Northern District of Iowa Bankruptcy Court) and creditor representatives may obtain a "Limited Use" login to access the CM/ECF system. This limited login allows attorneys or creditor representatives to file a small (restricted) number of documents in the system. For example, a limited use login does not allow the user to file a petition. It is intended for use by participants who will only be filing the specific documents, such as:
- Creditor Request for Notices
- Proof of Claim
- Withdrawal or Transfer of Claim
- Reaffirmation Agreements
Click here for written step-by-step procedures for filing a variety of documents. Creditors will have access to docket events within the following categories: Claims Actions, Creditor Maintenance and Other. Claims can be filed through CM/ECF or through ePOC.
You can practice in the ECF Training Database. Please contact the court at (319) 286-2200 for a username and password.
If you are still uncertain how to proceed, contact the Clerk's Office at (319) 286-2200 or (712) 233-3939.
Prerequisites to file electronic filing:
- A pdf compatible word processing program-Word or Word Perfect.
- Adobe Acrobat Software 4.0 or later (Acrobat Reader & Acrobat Writer) to convert documents from word processing format to PDF.
- A scanner either attached or networked to the computer intende for CM/ECF use.
- A PACER login and password (see below)
To register for ECF:
- If you do not have a PACER account, you must first apply for one.
- Go to,
- Click on Manage Your Account,
- Click on Register for an Account,
- Click on Non-Attorney Filers, and
- Click on Register for a PACER Account.
- Enter your Non-Attorney E-File Registration information (see job aid below for more information).
- If you have a PACER account, go to,
- Click on Manage My Account Login,
- Click the Log in to Manage my Account,
- Enter your PACER login and password and Click Login,
- Click the Maintenance tab, and
- Click on Non-Attorney E-File Registration.
Click here for job aid on How to Register to E-File as a Limited (Non-Attorney) Filer
Frequently Asked Questions:
Click here for Creditor FAQs
- Allows you to create and amend a Proof of Claim in any chapter.
- Allows you to file a Rule 3002 Supplement (Notice of Mortgage Payment Change, Notice of Postpetition Fees, Expenses, and Charge, or Response to Notice of Final Cure Payment) whether or not a claim has been filed.
- Produces the Official Form 410 (Proof of Claim) and permits supporting documents to be attached.
- Electronically files the claim with the court.
- Provides you with the assigned claim number and the final claim form, which may be printed or electronically saved.
Click here for more information regarding ePOC