The resources provided on this web page and the pages to the left are designed to provide information to parties (e.g., debtors) proceeding in bankruptcy court without an attorney, also known as proceeding "pro se."
When filing a bankruptcy case, you must follow all applicable local and federal bankruptcy rules. Representing yourself in a bankruptcy case is allowed; however, the process can be complex and many self-represented debtors often do not obtain the relief they seek because they are unfamiliar with the requirements of the court including rigid deadlines to submit certain required information.
Information contained herein is general information and should not be relied upon for your individual circumstances or taken as legal advice. Consult an attorney to discuss your particular circumstances. You can obtain information about the bankruptcy process and requirements, as well as how to obtain legal assistance, by using the resources provided below. If you are considering filing bankruptcy or have already done so, you may also wish to consult the Court’s Frequently Asked Questions webpage, which contains general information for all debtors and specific information for debtors filing without an attorney.
Important Resources & Information
- Bankruptcy Basics is not a guide for filing for bankruptcy. Instead, it provides general information about federal bankruptcy laws and the bankruptcy process.
- Filing Bankruptcy Without an Attorney (per US Court website)
- Filing Requirements
- List of Approved Credit Counseling Agencies and List of Approved Providers of Personal Financial Management Instructional Courses (Debtor Education)
- Link to Information regarding Means Testing
- Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines
- Iowa Northern Local Rules
- Redaction of Privacy Information (FBR 9037)