DeBN Request Form & Docket Event
Debtors must complete and file a Debtor’s Electronic Noticing Request (DeBN) Form in order to participate in the DeBN program. Joint debtors must file a separate request form if both wish to receive electronic notice.
- Download the request form: Debtor’s Electronic Noticing Request (DeBN) Form .
- The form is a fillable PDF providing three options:
1) Initial Request
2) Update to Account Information:
a) Change an email address;
b) Debtor files a new case and has an existing DeBN account; and/or
c) Request reactivation of a DeBN account.
3) Request to Deactivate Electronic Noticing
- File the request form:
Attorneys: Please file the request form electronically using this docket event:
Bankruptcy > Other Events > Electronic Noticing ( Debtor) or Electronic Noticing (Joint Debtor).
Debtors: If you choose to file the request form on your own, you may file it in person or by mail at the Clerk’s Office where your case was filed.
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
111 Seventh Ave. SE, #15
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52401-2101
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
320 6th Street, Room 126
Sioux City, Iowa 51101